机智牢房生活슬기로운 감빵생활(2017)

又名:监狱手记 (港) / 监狱 / 智慧的监狱生活 / 机智的监狱生活 / Prison Playbook / Wise Prison Life

主演:朴海秀 郑敬淏 郑秀晶 林华映 丁海寅 郑雄仁 金圣喆 李奎 

导演:申元浩 编剧:郑宝勋


《机智牢房生活》(2017)原名《슬기로운 감빵생활》字幕下载 / 又名《监狱手记 (港) / 监狱 / 智慧的监狱生活 / 机智的监狱生活 / Prison Playbook / Wise Prison Life》中文字幕下载

Baseball pitcher Kim Je-hyeok becomes a convict overnight after being sent to prison for defending his sister from a sexual assault, days before he was due to fly to the US to join the Boston Red Sox.

