杰索拉·加尼美·卡美巴 决战!南海的大怪兽ゲゾラ・ガニメ・カメーバ 決戦!南海の大怪獣(1970)

又名:Space Amoeba / Yog—Monster from Space / Gezora, Ganime, Kamoeba: Decisive Battle! Giant Monsters of the South Seas


主演:久保明 小林夕岐子 高橋厚子 

导演:本多猪四郎 有川貞昌 


《杰索拉·加尼美·卡美巴 决战!南海的大怪兽》(1970)原名《ゲゾラ・ガニメ・カメーバ 決戦!南海の大怪獣》字幕下载 / 又名《Space Amoeba / Yog—Monster from Space / Gezora, Ganime, Kamoeba: Decisive Battle! Giant Monsters of the South Seas》中文字幕下载

A space probe is infiltrated by alien beings and then crashes on a remote Pacific atoll. A group planning to build a resort hotel land on the island and discover it to be inhabited by giant mutant monsters created by the aliens in an attempt to conquer the world.

杰索拉·加尼美·卡美巴 决战!南海的大怪兽:最新字幕下载资源

日期 资源名称
2024-03-10 杰索拉·加尼美·卡美巴 决战!南海的大怪兽 1970 中文字幕.srt
